Our Goal: $250,000
Remember all funds received stay in our local community.
Agency Partners
Click on each name to see how your donation to the United Way helps our Agency Partners
Hospice of Orleans Inc.
Hospice of Orleans, Inc.
Hospice of Orleans, Inc provides end of life care and bereavement services for affected individuals of patients served by Hospice for up to 13months. Hospice also provides weekly bereavement support groups and resources for any community member.
Click on the logo to go directly to their website
ARC of Genesee Orleans County Camp Rainbow
ARC of Genesee Orleans County Camp Rainbow
Camp Rainbow is a five-week summer day camp serving children ages 5 to 21 residing in Orleans County. Camp Rainbow’s goal is to provide a safe, nurturing and fun environment. By offering an inclusive setting, children with and without disabilities are able to freely interact and develop life-long relationships.
Click on the logo to go directly to their website
ARC of Genesee Orleans County Meals on Wheels
ARC of Genesee Orleans County Meals on Wheels
Meals on Wheels provides nutritious meals on a daily basis to senior citizens (60 years or older) throughout Orleans County. Daily safety and wellness checks are also provided for seniors, especially those living alone or without a family support network.
Click on the logo to go directly to her website
Community Action of Orleans & Genesee Counties
Community Action of Orleans & Genesee Counties
The main components of this project are job skills training and employment support services from job search through the critical first 90 days of employment. Community Action has formed relationships with local businesses to help place customers in appropriate employment. The Project will help people obtain and retain employment so they can become self-sufficient.
Click on the logo to go directly to their website
4-H Youth Group - Cornell Cooperative Extension
4-H Youth Group-Cornell Cooperative Extension
OCCCE provides relevant, accessible, research-based information to grow confident youth and successful farms & gardens for a strong and healthy Orleans community.
Click on the logo to go directly to their website
To provide a safe and nurturing environment where children are taught various themes including the Y’s four core values of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility.
Click on the logo to go directly to their website
2-1-1 WNY
2-1-1 WNY
2-1-1 is a free, confidential referral & information helpline and website that connects people to the essential health and human services they need, 24 hours a day.
Click on the logo to go directly to their website
GCASA’s Opioid Overdose Prevention–Narcan Training is designed to increase the knowledge of participants about the current opioid epidemic and the use of Naloxone to save lives. This program is part of a 5-pronged approach that includes: education, tracking, and monitoring, proper medication disposal and treatment option.
Click on logo to go directly to their website
Senior Citizens of Western Orleans County
Senior Citizens of Western Orleans County
Provide a safe environment for the seniors to socialize, hear seminars, exercise and get out of their houses.
Click on the logo to go directly to their Facebook page
Town of Yates Recreational Program
Town of Yates Recreation Program
Provides recreational opportunities for children of the Lyndonville school district throughout the year.
Click on the logo to go directly to their website
Orleans County Adult Learning Services
Orleans County Adult Learning Services
To increase literacy skills among individuals and families in Orleans County in order to impact the long term success (i.e. improvements in the areas of: high school graduation rates, employment, financial stability, incarceration, health, etc.) of those individuals and families.
Click on the logo to go directly to their website
Christ Church Community Kitchen
Christ Church Community Kitchen
They are a community kitchen that is open to the public every Friday from 4:30 to 6:00 pm. We provide a hot meal, friendship and conversation to anyone in need.
Click on the logo to go directly to their website
Boy Scouts of America - Iroquois Trail Council
Scouting programs will improve the quality of life for Orleans County youth by helping them to develop leadership and life skills; develop personal responsibility and high self-esteem; and develop strong family and community values. By immersing youth in intensive year-round educational activities the Boy Scouts of America will help to instill values in young people and in other ways prepare them to make ethical choices over their lifetime as they strive to reach their full potential.
Click on the logo to go directly to their website
Genesee Orleans Ministry of Concern
Genesee Orleans Ministry of Concern
The Ministry of Concern will continue to assist families and the elderly living in poverty and the working poor as we negotiate payments to avoid shut-offs, assist with meeting co-pays for medical prescriptions, provide personal care needs, involve children in our Just Friends program as well as provide necessary beds, bedding and used furniture for families in need, so as to accomplish the goal of helping families and children take steps toward greater self-sufficiency.
Click on logo to go directly to their website
P. Raising Kids
P.Raising Kids Child Care Center’s mission statement emphasizes positively raising kids, hend the name P. Raising Kids. The Center emphasizes developing self-confidence, high self-esteem and coping strategies through positive play, positive praise and positive affirmations to help kids deal with situations kids face in everyday life. The goal and purpose of P.Raising Kids Child Care Center is to provide LOW COST, high quality childcare service to families in a safe, loving, Christian faith-based environment.
Genesee Orleans Ministry of Concern
“Thanks to the unexpected generosity of United Way supporters we now have enough funds to purchase a replacement truck for our furniture program. Having a reliable truck is critical to the program, enabling us to pick up gently used furniture items from donors and deliver them free of charge to families in need.
So far this year, 199 individuals living in Orleans County have benefited from the program, even though we were not operational for three months due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The need for the program continues to grow.
Thank you to those who donated through the United Way!”
Warm regards, Nyla Gaylord Director of Ministry of Concern
August 24, 2020
Christ Church Community Kitchen
With the United Way funding that we receive monthly we have been able to keep our doors open during the COVID-19 pandemic.
We have been able to not only continue feeding the hungry with to-go meals every Friday but we have also been able to offer “extra bags” of food and toiletries to help those in need.We have also been able to provide and deliver food to many people who are unable to get out during these trying times.
Our “normal” monthly numbers were 400 – 500 meals per month. As you can see from the numbers below we have so many more people needing help and United Way has made that possible.
For the month of March we served 648 meals
For the month of April we served 1,757 meals
For the month of May we served 2,575 meals
For the month of June we served 2,830 meals
For the month of July we served 2,187 meals
With the United Way funding we have been able to purchase not only the food we needed to help so many hungry families but we were also able to purchase all the paper products that have been needed to stay open by serving to – go meals and extra bags.
With the continued support from United Way we will be able to keep our doors open and continue to provide meals for all those in need!
Thank you, Faith Smith
Director Christ Church Community Kitchen
August 24, 2020
Iroquois Trail Council, Inc.
This year’s United Way funding paid for materials to train 400 Scouts and volunteers how to recognize, resist & report child abuse & neglect. It’s also providing the startup materials to help reorganize West Barre Cub Scout Pack 3175. And, despite the coronavirus forcing the closure of our regular summer camp operations, United Way funds helped us to provide numerous single-day camp programs as well as online ‘camp in a box’ programs.
James C. McMullen | Scout Executive
September 1, 2020
Orleans County Adult Learning Services
” United Way funding this year allowed OCALS to serve more people than ever before. Over 1200 individual tutoring services were delivered to 85 individuals who requested literacy assistance. A special grant from the United Way will also allow the agency to purchase PPE to continue to provide services during the Covid 19 pandemic.”
Donald Colquhoun
August 28,2020
P.Raising Kids
Ways that the United way has helped P.Raising Kids Child Care Center:
1. A very huge lift in our spirits that we are working hard for our children!
2. We were able to purchase PPE equipment for sterilizing and protecting children and adults.
3. We purchased painting equipment for restoring, reorganizing, cleaning and upgrading our classrooms.
4. We are able to purchase dividers to separate students who will be doing their online schooling.
We are so grateful for your support!
Kathie and Kim
August 27, 2020
Project Stork, Inc.
The United Way funding has continued to allow us to serve our communities’ smallest members, through covering basic needs, such as diapers, wipes, baby lotion, and baby wash, while providing education to families about sleep safe, car seat safety, and community support and resources. This has been essential, given the pandemic and hardship that families have endured.
Thank you for everything!
Jenny Staebell
Executive Director
August 24, 2020
Medina Area Association of Churches
The United Way donation enabled us to replenish the two food pantries in Medina which had been used frequently during the Covid outbreak.
The United Way donation enabled us to have monies available for use by our MAAC clergy to assist congregation members who were financially burdened by the Covid Pandemic.
Blessings, Robyn Watts
August 28, 2020