Throughout our history, United Way has done extraordinary work to improve people’s lives and build strong communities. With our focus on community impact, United Way has a key role to play in advocating for good public policy. Without community input, our priorities in Education, Income and Health will lose critical government policy and funding support.

Join us and advocate for an Education, Income, Health or nonprofit strengthening issue that you are passionate about. Your community needs you to have an impact on public policy decisions. Advocating in your community does not simply mean lobbying on a specific piece of legislation.

There are many ways that you can advocate. See below for ways you can make a meaningful impact in your local community.


Urgent Policy Priorities:

Learn more about United Way’s public policy priorities


Learn how your community ranks in academic attainment, income stability and health. Use the United Way Common Good Forecaster, a powerful online tool that lets people see for themselves how improving the education level has a positive impact on several key economic and social measures.


Host a community conversation with your friends, coworkers or neighbors. Learn about what people say are their aspirations for your community and talk about how you can work together to address challenges. Read the Harwood Institute Community Conversation Guide.



Use social media tools to educate your friends and networks about an issue you care about. Sample tweets and Facebook messages are below:


  • EDUCATION: Every dollar to early childhood programs saves 7 in adulthood  #LIVEUNITED
  • INCOME: Children are the poorest age group w/ 15.5M children living in poverty #LIVEUNITED
  • HEALTH: Uninsured children in fair or poor health are 5X more likely not to have a regular provider of care #LIVEUNITED
  • Join our #KidsWin Rally to raise awareness about the issue of disconnected youth. Help us reengage young people that are unattached from work and school.


  • EDUCATION: Students who don’t read proficiently by third grade are four times more likely to leave without a diploma than proficient readers. Support United Way’s work to promote the importance of early grade reading.
  • INCOME: Children are the poorest age group with 15.5 million children living in poverty. Support programs that help poor children and families
  • HEALTH: Seriously ill children without insurance who end up in the hospital are 60% more likely to die than the sick children in the same facility who have insurance. Help United Way increase children’s health coverage