Orleans Digital Literacy Initiative Curriculum Development and two-day training
Point of Contact: Dean Bellack, Executive Director
Orleans County United Way
P.O. Box 188
Medina, NY 14103
Summary and Background
Orleans County United Way is currently accepting proposals to contract for the development of a curriculum for the Orleans Digital Literacy Education Initiative.
The purpose of this scope of work is to connect to various candidate organizations, conduct a fair and extensive evaluation based on criteria listed herein, and select the candidate who best represents the direction United Way of Orleans County and partner agencies on this project to develop a digital literacy curriculum and provide mentors with a two day training on implementation of that curriculum.
The Orleans County United Way is a local, nonprofit organization governed by a volunteer board of directors. The organization provides allocations based on analysis of budgets, effectiveness of programs, service costs, and local needs.
1. Project Purpose and Description
About this Project: Funded by the Community Foundation of Greater Buffalo the “Orleans Digital Literacy Initiative” is a deliberate effort to support individuals, families, job seekers, employees, and employers in closing the digital divide in our community and equip constituents with the digital literacy skills required to enter the workforce and to adapt to remote work expectations. This project includes the development of the curriculum for the Initiative and initial training for mentors.
Desired Future:
The curriculum will be designed to meet the needs of all residents especially:
- Individuals of a working age (15-65) with basic digital literacy skills and aptitudes (credible sources of digital information, website evaluation criteria, filling out an online form, etc.);
- Individuals currently employed and undergoing a transition to full remote work (or hybrid work) such as software use, adjusting to a work life balance when your home is your office, and adapting to the change from in person interactions to remote; and
- Employers so that they can hire from an increasingly digitally literate candidate pool, access professional development, and provide support for supervisors who are learning to manage staff remotely.
Expectations and considerations:
We have budgeted for a competitive rate that allows us to attract talent from outside of our Orleans County, if necessary. Curriculum implementation will be completed by community mentors from participating non-profit organizations. Depending on the contractor’s needs, we will share materials from the planning and implementation development stages of the Initiative including but not limited to survey results, and the final report.
2. Project Scope
Working with the above entities, the contractor will:
- Develop curriculum in digital literacy skills to be utilized by community mentors to present 15 minute or less topical workshops, supplemented by providing direct 1:1 instruction to community members.
- Curriculum may utilize publicly available resources and instructional modules already developed by third party entities if all licensing requirements are met.
- Basic digital literacy skills to be including but not limited to: Computer and device basics, using an operating system, working with applications, keeping your computer up to date and secure, getting online, office and other productivity software basics, safely accessing information online, online shopping, social media basics, email basics, video calling, and various online safety content including but not limited to phishing, sharing safely, strong passwords, and your digital footprint.
- Implement a one-day training to community mentors on implementation of curriculum and deliver this training in person at a site provided by the United Way of Orleans, date to be determined but no later than 10/29/2021.
- Optional additional training based on your organizations expertise: Implement a one-day training to community mentors on instruction in mentoring skills and deliver this training in person at a site provided by the United Way of Orleans, date to be determined but no later than 10/29/2021.
3. Fee Schedule
Up to $35,000 in contract fees have been allocated for curriculum development and training.
$2,500 when the contract is executed
$12,500 when the curriculum is finalized and approved by the United Way of Orleans.
$10,000 on upon completion of initial training session on Digital Literacy Curriculum
$10,000 on optional second day training session on direct instruction/mentoring skills
Payments will be issued upon receipt of an invoice, and when, applicable the receipt and approval of the project deliverable. All costs and fees must be clearly described in each invoice
4. Contractor Qualifications and Selection
Contractors should provide the following items as part of their proposal for consideration:
- Description of experience in development of similar curriculum
- Anticipated resources you will assign to this project (total number, role, title, experience)
Interviews with contractors will take place between August 4-6, 2021. Notification of the selected contractor will take place on August 9, 2021. Each contractor must submit electronically to director@orleansunitedway.org and a physical copy of their proposal to the address below by August 2, 2021 at 5pm EST:
Orleans County United Way
P.O. Box 188
Medina, NY 14103